Andy Chow
Right-leaning states moved to make ballot measures tougher to pass after success of voter initiatives on abortion rights, marijuana and Medicaid expansion. That's led to pushback from state lawmakers.
Ohio's governor signed a bill allowing teachers to carry guns in class after 24 hours of training. Republicans tout the move as a way to increase safety; educators worry it could lead to more danger.
Early in the pandemic, Ohio voters approved of Republican Gov. Mike DeWine. As GOP opposition to mandates grew, so did the opposition to the governor. Now he faces three primary challengers.
Ohio lawmakers are drawing up a new congressional district map after the previous attempt was ruled unconstitutional by the state supreme court.
Ohio officials decided on a one-million-dollar jackpot for a lottery exclusively for vaccinated Ohioans. It appears to be paying off, with a spike in the number of those getting the shots.
Police in the Ohio city, responding to calls about a domestic disturbance, shot and killed a Black teenage girl. Body camera footage appears to show she may have had a knife.