Do you dig trees? That’s the question from Goleta City Parks and Open Space Manager George Thomson…and he means it literally.
"Whether you're young or old or somewhere in-between, come out and get your hands dirty and learn how to plant a tree," said Thomson.
Over 100 trees are being planted on Saturday morning at Stow Park as the City hopes to restore the park to its former glory.
Thomson points out that the trees could provide a lasting legacy in the city.
"It could potentially last thousands of years," he said.
Throughout the drought over the last 15 years, the redwoods haven't been doing too well...this is the final stage of restoring the grove," he explained.
The city will provide all tools, materials, and knowledge necessary to successfully plant a tree. All you need is sunscreen, a hat, comfortable boots, and work gloves.
If you are interested in volunteering, please RSVP by sending an email to or calling 805-562-5509.