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Santa Barbara County man gets nearly 200 year prison sentence for crime spree

Photo by Tim Hufner/Unsplash

Prosecutors say he tried to shoot and kill CHP officers and a police officer.

A Santa Barbara County man has been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of a crime rampage in which he tried to kill police and CHP officers.

It happened in November of 2020. A Santa Maria Police officer spotted Dustin Daniel Morales at an apartment complex. Morales was wanted for a crime. Investigators say Morales tried to run away, fell, and then pulled out a gun and shot at the officer.

The policeman was unhurt, but didn’t return fire because there were other people in the area. Morales carjacked a van, fled the area, dumped the vehicle, and got a ride to Los Angeles.

He was located in a car, and there was a chase. Morales fired shots at the pursuing CHP officer, but no one was hurt. He crashed the car, barricaded himself in a nearby home, but finally surrendered. Morales was convicted of a string of crimes in both Santa Maria and Los Angeles. The 31-year-old man is facing a combined total of 193 years in prison.

Lance Orozco has been News Director of KCLU since 2001, providing award-winning coverage of some of the biggest news events in the region, including the Thomas and Woolsey brush fires, the deadly Montecito debris flow, the Borderline Bar and Grill attack, and Ronald Reagan's funeral.