2-5" of rain possible on the coast and inland, with up to 10" in the mountains.
During storm, the ocean tore away protective rocks, sand from ocean side of the PCH, threatening to undermine southound lanes.
Heaviest rain expected Tuesday into early Wednesday.
Santa Barbara School District, Santa Barbara City College cancel Tuesday classes, activities.
Oxnard Police say man carrying a five foot metal bar advanced on officers, and ignored orders to stop.
Most of the region had 1-3" of rain over the weekend: Storm arriving Tuesday could bring an additional 2-4".
Ventura County, state, and federal agencies will be represented at the county's Disaster Recovery Center so people can find out about available assistance.
Centers will be open Saturday in Montecito and Sisquoc, with Santa Barbara County, state, and federal officials on hand to help storm victims.
Federal action clears way for individuals as well to apply for relief through FEMA.
100-year-old tree comes down during January 9 storm.