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Finding Pork in Massive Spending Bills

The 108th Congress has gathered for one final lame-duck session to wrap up a few loose ends -- intelligence reform and a $388 billion omnibus spending bill. The spending measure, initially approved last month, is back under consideration due to an outcry over a provision giving legislators access to Americans' tax returns. The bill also includes 11,000 other measures, pork-barrel projects that allow representatives and senators to pump money into their districts.


NPR's Ron Elving, senior Washington editor

Allan Hammons, executive director of the BB King Museum Foundation in Indianola, Miss.; the museum was awarded $1 million in the 2005 spending bill

Andy Taylor, senior writer, Congressional Quarterly

Tom Schatz president, Citizens Against Government Waste

Rep. Jose Serrano, minority Member on House Appropriations Committee; Democrat from New York

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