Final preparations are taking place here at Camarillo Airport ahead of the two-day airshow. Last year it was curtailed by bad weather - the infamous 'hurri-quake'.
"This year, anybody that had a ticket for [the postponed] Sunday, we're honoring those tickets...and we have fantastic weather. This is going to be a postcard day for Southern California down here by the coast," enthused Dan Alpern, who will be commentating on the show.
Alpern is one of the hundreds of volunteers who help make the annual airshow happen.
"What's most important to me is the opportunity for youth to access the aviation community. Our mission here at the Commemorative Air Force Southern California Wing is to educate, inspire and honor," said Alpern.
Among the warbirds, stunt helicopters and pyrotechnics is an aircraft that stands out as much for its color as its capabilities.
"The pink jet is this amazing L39 Albatross, which is a military trainer jet that was actually used a lot in the Eastern Bloc, in Europe and throughout Europe and throughout the world," explained Stephanie Goetz, part of the all-female crew of the Pink Jet.
"This military trainer has been transformed into a force for good. So it's all pink. And it is this beautiful representation and empowerment for breast cancer survivors, breast cancer awareness, and for encouraging early detection," said Goetz.

Goetz' own mom is a stage 3 breast cancer survivor so raising awareness is a cause close to her heart.
"It was quite scary. It was just a year - year and a half - ago, and although it is something that I had known other women who had gone through it, once it impacts you personally it's a whole other level," she said.
"To see my mom go through that, to see the surgery, to see the the challenges that it put all of us in, it really was impactful. And so to be able to be that source of strength for others, knowing that I've kind of walked in those shoes as someone who's had someone who's battled that disease, it also gives me another level of compassion for those who are going through it," said Goetz.
Resplendent in a bubblegum pink flight suit, Goetz says the pink jet is a source of inspiration.
"I have been called the Barbie pilot and it's not surprising, and I very much understand that. And I, I hold that in very high regard and with much respect," said Goetz.
"It definitely is a compliment. I own that because as a female in aviation, you have to be also willing to embrace that you are definitely going to be feminine, but you're can be just as fierce as well. So you can be fabulous, you can be fierce, you can be both of these things and it doesn't marginalize you as a pilot. It doesn't mean that you're not great," she said.
"You can have the the beautiful red nails and glitter and fly the heck out of the airplane."
The Wings Over Camarillo Airshow takes place this Saturday and Sunday.