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Baby number two is the surprise happy news for the Ventura County family we have been following for a year

Genessee Semler has some happy news
Genessee Semler
Genessee Semler has some happy news.

Fin Semler, who started her life at the same time as Joe Biden's Presidency began, is going to be a big sister!

It’s been a year since so-called "pandemic baby" Fin Semler was gearing up to make her arrival in the world.

As the world was watching Joe Biden become the 46th President of the United States on January 20th 2021, her mom - Genessee Semler of Thousand Oaks – was in labor.

Fin was born in the early hours of the 21st and now, as she nears her first birthday, Genessee revealed some exciting news!

"We are pregnant again!" she told KCLU.

Semler – whom we have been regularly following for 14 months – admits that it wasn’t planned.

"We were trying to prevent against it...but obviously not well enough," she said.

The couple are delighted at the news, and expect their second daughter to arrive in June.

"It's be a different more normal experience," she says of the second birth, after having Fin during COVID lockdown measures.

Fin is at childcare in the daytime, while her parents are both still working from home.

For her first birthday, they have a special celebration planned, called a "dol" (short for doljanchi).

"It's a Korean - cos she's half Korean - traditional first birthday.

"You put out items - like household objects like a checkbook or a book, and they choose one and it represents they'll have wealth or be a scholar or a piece of string which means they'll have a long life," she said.

Genessee, her husband Zach and daughter Fin
Genessee Semler
Genessee, her husband Zach and daughter Fin

"I think she likes when we have family gatherings that we don't have our masks on as she's at daycare and her teachers have their masks on all day and when I pick her up, I wear my mask on."

Semler says she’s enjoying watching Fin hit her developmental milestones.

"When she complains its 'mama, mama, mama,' like 'fix it for me', and when she's happy it's 'dadada'," laughs Semler.

"She can say 'that' and 'bread', because she likes bread," said Semler.

She is excited to see how Fin will fare as a big sister.

"I strongly believed I was expecting a boy, but when they gave me the results of the NIPT test, they told me it was a girl!"

We will continue to follow Genessee’s journey on KCLU.

Caroline joined KCLU in October 2020. She won LA Press Club's Audio Journalist of the Year Award in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Since joining the station she's won 10 Golden Mike Awards, 6 Los Angeles Press Club Awards, 2 National Arts & Entertainment Awards and a Regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Writing.

She started her broadcasting career in the UK, in both radio and television for BBC News, 95.8 Capital FM and Sky News and was awarded the Prince Philip Medal for her services to radio and journalism in 2007.

She has lived in California for eleven years and is both an American and British citizen - and a very proud mom to her daughter, Elsie.