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KCLU’s General Manager Remembers Joe Paulucci

KCLU General Manager Mary Olson says Joe Paulucci was a true community leader. They were Rotarians together, and Paulucci was involved in a number of community projects, ranging from the club’s annual street fair to raising money for worthwhile causes.

One of his biggest efforts was for KCLU. He and his wife Pat kicked off the campaign to build a new station building. You hear the Paulucci name during the hourly station identification, because the studios are named after the couple.

Olson says it’s one of many examples of what Paulucci did for the community. She says he loved people, and cared about people, but when he stepped up to help, he would never take credit.

Olson says whenever you would go to lunch with him, he was the kind of person who would always take the time to talk with the server. He joked that after he and his wife Pat agreed to make a million-dollar commitment to help building the radio station’s new studios, he would warn others about having lunch with Olson - because it would be an expensive one.

She says Paulucci will be remembered for the way he supported and gave back to the community, always doing it with a joke and a smile.