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Central Coast researchers leading new study on pregnancy related diabetes

Alicia Petresc

National study involves changing the diets of pregnant women to reduce sugar intake.

A Central Coast university is trying to tackle the issue of diabetes triggered as a result of pregnancy. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is teaming up with Brown University, Northwestern University, and some other institutions on a five-year national research study.

Women who are pregnant or recently gave birth can develop what’s known as gestational diabetes. It happens when high blood sugar levels occur during pregnancy, which can lead to Type 2 diabetes.

The study is focused on using medically based meals to reduce the blood sugar problem. About a thousand women across the country will take part in the project, with nurses and community health workers guiding their diets.

Cal Poly’s Center for Health Research is leading the study, which is being funded with a $10.6 million grant from a nonprofit health care institute.

Lance Orozco has been News Director of KCLU since 2001, providing award-winning coverage of some of the biggest news events in the region, including the Thomas and Woolsey brush fires, the deadly Montecito debris flow, the Borderline Bar and Grill attack, and Ronald Reagan's funeral.